Mental Health & Well-being
BackAt Copthall we understand that we ALL have Mental Health. Like our physical health, it is important that we take the time to 'check-in' with our emotional health to see how we are doing. Like everything in life, it is about striking a balance. Sometimes we need to spend more time bettering our sleeping hygiene or focusing on our eating habits, maybe we are studying too much and not giving enough time to relax or do calming activities. At Copthall, there are many trusted adults that students can talk to about their mental health and wellbeing for advice. But also, as parents, we need to ensure that our mental health and wellbeing is positive too as we can't pour from an empty cup!
At Copthall we have PHSE classes and a Physical Education curriculum that gives focus on wellbeing issues, tailored for the different year groups. We have assemblies and form-times with talks about specific topics for example, how to cope with stress. In addition to this, we have extra-curriculum activities, trips and visits and overall it is reflected in the ethos of the school as one of our core values at Copthall is 'support and safety'. Staff also have many training sessions on emerging mental health issues in the school and how to respond to them. We are always learning.
A positive mindset will help us to engage in learning better which is why it is vital to dedicate time to our mental health and wellbeing. Students who are happier will learn better and achieve more.
This aim of this page is to give guidance and quality information for both parents and students to gain support and advice on how to best support yourself or your child's own mental health and wellbeing. Please see some useful links and videos and if you have any concerns about your child, please get in touch.
Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?
Make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors
Information and Videos
For practical, confidential suicide prevention help and advice please contact PAPYRUS HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141, text 07860 039967 or email
If you are concerned that your child may be having difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing, please discuss with your child's Director of Learning in the first instance and complete the following referral form.
Useful Mental Health & Well Being Posters and Information
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Parent Resources & Support
Useful Links
Young Minds |
Young Minds is an excellent charity that offers many services including free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice to any young person or adult worried about their mental health or wellbeing of a young person. |
Talk to Frank |
Talk to Frank has advice and information for parents and carers about drugs and provides access to live chat, email and telephone support as well as leaflets, FAQs and signposting to other useful links. |
NHS Five Steps to Mental Wellbeing |
The NHS suggests five steps to mental wellbeing. This link will explain the five steps to improving both young people and adult's mental wellbeing. Here you will also find many other links to suggestions of how you can help raise your self-esteem or mindfulness activities. |
Royal Society of Psychiatrists |
This section covers many areas of mental health for young people, parents and carers, about young people's mental health. It is written by psychiatrists and young people working together. The information is evidence-based, accessible and up to date and will help to make informed decisions about your health. |
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families |
This link will give you a list of many different self-care activities for both parents and carers and young people. The Anna Freud centre is a world leading mental health charity for children and families. On the website itself you will find many links for parents, carers and young people for advice on mental health and wellbeing. 'On my mind' is a page for information for young people co-created by young people to helped make informed decisions about mental health and wellbeing too. |
Daily Online Mindfulness Sessions for Families |
Free for parents at home with children. Drop-in sessions to nourish, support and connect us with each other. The sessions are daily at eleven o'clock for twenty minutes plus some evenings. |
Good Thinking |
An online wellbeing service to support Londoners with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. There are specific resources aimed at young people (ages 13-18). There is also specialist content for parents and carers and education professionals. |
CAMHS Crisis lines | London’s emergency lines are available 24/7 and numbers are free to call when urgent support is needed – you can find your local line here. Young people can speak to a specially trained professional about their mental health concerns in a crisis. |
Youth Mental Health First Aid training | These training courses allow you to identify signs of mental health issues in a young person, providing them with the right support. You can sign up for a free training course on the Thrive LDN website. |
Psychological First Aid | In your role supporting young Londoners, you and your colleagues might also be interested in Public Health England’s new, free Psychological First Aid course for supporting children and young people. |
The Mental Health in Schools Toolkit | Provides a wide range of information and guidance for school leaders and staff on how to promote emotional wellbeing and mental health within schools. View the updated toolkit here. |
Healthy Schools London Resource Hub | Available on the City Hall website. |
Place2Be | Provide child counselling and mental health support in schools, including free mental health training for teachers and school staff. Find out more here. |
Shout 85258 | A free, confidential, anonymous 24/7 text support service. Anyone can text SHOUT to 85258, anytime. |
Young Minds | Provide advice and mental health support, as well as online workshops, blogs and resources. Young people who need urgent help should text YM to 85258 – a 24/7 messenger service. Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 |
Papyrus | Supporting young people who struggle with thoughts of suicide, or if they are worried about someone else. There is a helpline to call: 0800 068 41 41 |
Beat Eating Disorders | Support for people worried about eating disorders. Their Youth helpline is available every day of the year: 0808 801 0711 |
Childline | A free counselling service for children and young people. Children can call, chat online or email Childline about anything they are worried about. |
Child Bereavement UK | Supporting children and families to rebuild their lives after bereavement. Their website includes support for children, as well as resources for the education sector. |
Translated wellbeing | Available in 27 languages, designed to support migrant communities. |