
Teaching & Learning


At Copthall School, Teaching and Learning is at the heart of everything we do. Our whole school approach to Teaching and Learning is under pinned by the school’s vision:

To create a positive learning environment that inspires a passion for learning so that every student progresses and thrives.

Our high expectations, consistent processes and consideration for workload of staff and students helps us to live and breathe our school’s mission statement of delivering an ‘Excellent Education for All’. Copthall School has an unwavering commitment to deliver a consistently high quality of education across every year group and within every curriculum area to ensure that no member of our community is left behind.

In order to achieve this, our staff get to know their students’ individual needs so that every student is appropriately supported, stretched and challenged. In addition, we regularly reflect on our curriculum to make sure that it continues to be broad and balanced. In doing so, we work to build opportunities to celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion in every classroom around the school.

Our expectation is that every student, in every lesson receives high quality teaching.

Copthall's three 'R's of Teaching and  Learning

In every lesson at Copthall we will be: ReadyResponsive and Reflective.

The responsibility for ensuring that the ‘three r’s’ are adhered to sits with all stakeholders: staff, students, families and governors.

Examples of us being READY include:

  • We are always on-time
  • We greet members of our school community in a positive way at the beginning of every lesson
  • We are always fully equipped to learn
  • We set clear and high expectations for our learning at the start of each lesson
  • We communicate any barriers that we may be facing
  • We are fully engaged and actively participating

Examples of us being RESPONSIVE include:

  • We actively participate and contribute to an on-going learning dialogue
  • We are flexible and adaptable in response to the needs of a class / individual / lesson
  • We check our understanding at regular points throughout a lesson
  • We understand and celebrate the different needs of individuals and we respond to these needs
  • We take time to practice the application of new and old knowledge

Examples of us being REFLECTIVE include:

  • At regular intervals, we recall previously learning to improve retention help to consolidate knowledge and skills
  • We continually strive to improve our own practice, celebrating successes and identifying areas for development
  • We connect knowledge and skills from a wide range of learning experiences, both inside and outside of the classroom, so that we can use such skills and knowledge in new ways

Further details about the processes in place to ensure our consistently high quality of Teaching and Learning can be found in our Quality of Education & Curriculum Policy.