Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG)
All sixth form students have access to one to one impartial careers guidance. We have an in house Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser who is available to provide advice on suitable careers, pathways, qualifications, how to enhance higher education and apprenticeship applications. Parents are also welcome to attend their daughter’s appointments. Impartial guidance is provided through activities and workshops run by employers, charities and education institutions.
Last year we held a successful Careers Fair for all year groups to encourage students to start thinking about their future career plans, make them aware of different routes into careers and pathways available post 18. We had over 26 higher and further education providers, employers, community organisations who offered extra curricula activities and volunteering opportunities. We intend to run this event on a yearly basis.
Year 12 students are offered opportunities to be mentored by industry professionals through the Career Ready and Ort Jump programmes. These activities get students work ready with employability and enterprise skills such as effective communication, networking, team work, self-management, self-belief and problem solving etc.
We work in partnerships with local, regional, national and multinational organisations to offer all year groups meaningful employer encounters that widen their career horizons, challenge stereotypes and support them to achieve their career ambitions. Employers and organisation are brought into the classroom to interact with students and help bust myths around opportunities for women in STEM roles and industries like construction (not just for boys workshop), engineering, finance, medicine, law and IT. Our students access bursary placements with organisations to attend career insight days and so far have taken advantage of places in engineering, computer science and medicine. Insight days take place at UCL and are run by industry professionals.
Copthall school library also stocks higher and further education prospectuses, information on apprenticeships and careers various other resources. Students have access to all these resources.