

Posted on: 05/07/2017

On Friday 16th June, 10 students from Year 8 attended the Barnet Carnegie Shadowing event at the Archers Academy, They kindly hosted the event this year for 8 schools in the Barnet .The Carnegie Medal is a prize given to the new young people’s book of the year, voted by librarians all over the country.

It was a requirement that students should be keen readers so they could enjoy the eight books selected, they are required to set aside time each week to come to the library after school. Write book reports and go through their presentation. The group selected Salt to the Sea, by Ruta Sepetys to present on.

Salt to the Sea was the most popular book at our event and got the children’s vote. Also was nominated for the ‘Carnegie Medal 2017’.

The attending authoress was Nicky Singer who entertained the children with snippets from her books most enjoyable.

The students enjoyed the whole experience and were a credit to Copthall School.

Many thanks for your committed hard work.



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