


Aims and Expectations

The Curriculum Leader may be contacted via email

The Economics department has an excellent reputation for high standards. The department aims to encourage students to take an interest in commercial awareness. Students should be confident with solving problems using their analytical and communication skills.

The subject is split into two main sections; microeconomics and macroeconomics. Macro looks at the big issues affecting the economy as a whole (unemployment, inflation, growth and so on), micro looks at a smaller scale; the pricing of individual products like oil or gold; the salaries paid to different people, and the reasons for any differences. Taken together, micro and macroeconomics give a complete understanding of the economy as a whole that will be valuable in career terms as well as bringing an increased understanding of the last five minutes of the news!


‘A’ Level Economics is a two year course at KS5 covering both micro and macroeconomics throughout. Students will study elements of each at different points throughout the course, building microeconomic foundations to begin with, switching to look at UK and global economies and the policies used to influence their success before returning again to microeconomics to look in detail at the behaviour of businesses, consumers and workers. Students will sit the examination at the end of the two year course in Year 13.


We offer our students a wide range of resources, including computer facilities to research, textbooks, online resources and a subscription to the Economist. 

Extra-curricular activities

Students can take part in the Brent Cross Retail Challenge, which is a competition aimed at KS5 students.

We organise events such as the Chartered Accounts day and trips to City financial banks.



Curriculum Map Economics KS5

Click here for Sixth Form Subjects

Useful web links

Extra-curricular activities

Students can take part in the Brent Cross Retail Challenge, which is a competition aimed at KS5 students.

We organise events such as the Chartered Accounts day and trips to City financial banks.