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Key Stage 3
In years 7 and 8, the syllabus is led by the National Curriculum. Students are taught to develop means of organising, communicating and manipulating information over a broad range of topics. The emphasis is on problem-solving, investigations and practical activities. Students are encouraged to use their own initiative and imagination when tackling a variety of tasks.
During KS3, students develop their understanding of the main concepts that underpin the study of mathematics, as well as learning the processes which are essential to future mathematical progress. This comes both from a broad and sequenced curriculum based on the Kangaroo Maths SOW but also carefully chosen rich tasks designed to stretch and challenge all learners. While the department embraces technology, in particular making use of the Dr Frost online platform to help foster greater independence.
Students in years 7 and 8 participate in the Junior UKMT Mathematics Challenge competition.
You can see the full academic diaries, curriculum maps and tracking sheets below:
Year 7
Year 8
Key Stage 4
In year 9 students begin a 3-year course working towards their Edexcel Linear GCSE at Higher or Foundation level. The course builds on the foundations set in KS3 around number and algebra with the introduction of topics like angles, Pythagoras and trigonometry.
Over the 3 years students will not only be introduced to more complex and challenging material but also return to prior learning to deepen their understanding and reasoning.
Students in years 9 to 11 participate in the Intermediate UKMT Mathematics Challenge competition.
For some students who find Maths particularly challenging there are other Qualifications that can be taken as a pathway to the GCSE, including Number & Measure Level 1 and 2 and entry level Certificates Levels 1, 2 and 3
The Edexcel Awards in Number and Measure suit students who need to develop their basic mathematical skills and build confidence in the subject before progressing to GCSE Mathematics but want to gain a qualification which demonstrates their mathematical ability. The content is a sub-set of the GCSE Mathematics content.
You can see the full academic diaries and tracking sheets for years 9, 10 and 11 below:
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Key Stage 4 Exam Information
In all the exams students are expected to have a ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of compasses, black pen, HB pencil and eraser.
Tracing paper will be given if needed.
Students will need a scientific calculator. We highly recommend the Casio FX-83GTX Scientific Calculator (available to buy on Parent Pay)
Edexcel Maths GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics (1MA1)
The assessments will cover the following content headings:
- Number
- Algebra
- Ratio, proportion and rates of change
- Geometry and measures
- Probability
- Statistics
- Two tiers are available: Foundation and Higher
- Foundation tier: grades 1 to 5.
- Higher tier: grades 4 to 9 (grade 3 allowed).
- Paper 1 is a non-calculator assessment
- Calculators are allowed for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
- Each paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long.
- Each paper has 80 marks.
Number and Measure Edexcel Awards
Level 1 and 2 (ANM10)
• The paper is assessed through a 1 hour 30-minute examination, set and marked by Pearson.
• One written paper with two sections.
SECTION A - 1hr Calculator
SECTION B - 30 minutes Non Calculator
• The total number of marks for the paper is 80.
• The award is PASS or FAIL.
Edexcel Entry Level Certificate in Mathematics
Level 1, 2 or 3
The course is designed for students who find Mathematics challenging.
It covers the basic numeracy skills and is assessed by the class teacher.
There are two components in the assessment: one exam paper and a task.
The study of topics complements their GCSE topics and students can sit this at any point during year 11.
Key Stage 5
A comprehensive understanding of Mathematics is an invaluable tool for a wide variety of academic and vocational pursuits. Mathematical techniques are used in many disciplines while the concepts behind these techniques are equally worth exploring. Students choosing this A level should enjoy the challenge of investigating and solving mathematical problems.
In the pure modules students develop their understanding and confidence in using mathematics. Topics including advanced algebra, trigonometry, logarithms, numerical methods, sequences and calculus. In the two applied modules students use these skills to model real life problems. In Statistics students learn to analyse data critically and draw sensible conclusions from it. In Mechanics students learn to make assumptions about physical situations so they can be described mathematically.
For this course we would strongly recommend that each student has as Casio FX-991EX Scientific Calculator
You can see further information on the KS5 course and tracking sheets below:
A Level

In addition to the rich curriculum offered by the Maths department, we offer many opportunities for students to further their understanding and passion for the subject as well as having fun! This includes everything from teacher support with homework, revision sessions, puzzle club and preparation for national maths challenges.
We celebrate and take part in a variety of special days during the course of the year. Our favourite is Pi Day with Pi themed lessons, Pi biscuits, a Pi competition and even some teachers dressed as Pi-rates.
Every year, students compete in the UKMT Junior and Intermediate Maths Challenges.
We also team up with the IT department to participate in the Cyber First Challenge giving the students a first taste of coding.
We take part in Maths Week London, National Numeracy Day and celebrate the contribution made to mathematics during Black History Month.
In previous years we have taken students to Westminster for The Maths in Action conference seeing just how much maths can be applied to everyday life. We are hoping to run this again soon!
This year we are taking part in the “How Maths Helps People” – Poster Competition 2021 run by and are always on the lookout for other fun and interesting ways to engage our students.