


Welcome to the Mathematics Department

Our Department Vision

At Copthall, we aim to develop both our students’ passion and understanding in maths through engaging and fun activities inside and outside the classroom

As a Mathematics department we aim to build on our students’ prior knowledge when they arrive at the school with both new content but also varied ways of considering and applying their knowledge. Through their time at Copthall they are taught to develop their problem-solving skills and to be able to apply it to real-world examples. We foster students’ independence in terms of answering and accessing questions in addition to organisation, revision and preparing for later study and work. We aim to go beyond numbers to help create a passion for Mathematics.

The core aims of our Maths curriculum are:

  • To teach students to develop means of organising, communicating and manipulating information over a broad range of topics.
  • The emphasis is on problem-solving, investigations and practical activities.
  • Students are encouraged to use their own initiative and imagination when tackling a variety of tasks.
  • Students develop their understanding of the main concepts that underpin the study of mathematics, as well as learning the processes which are essential to future mathematical progress.
  • To continue to raise the profile of the maths department by making maths fun and relevant for all students in the school.

Students attend seven one-hour lessons across a two-week timetable supplemented by weekly homework and use of The department also offers extra support and clubs designed to ensure all students both succeed and enjoy Maths.

The Curriculum Leader may be contacted via email

You can find further details of our curriculum, current timetable of extra-curricular activities, maths careers and recommended reading at each key stage below: