
Mental Health Awareness at Copthall

Posted on: 30/05/2024

The school community dressed in green to support the mental health awareness campaign.

Copthall School has been acknowledging the national Mental Health Awareness campaign. We continue to make your daughter’s wellbeing and mental health a priority and have shared a number of strategies with them on how to support their Mental Health.

Every Wednesday, children take part in a Wellbeing Wednesday activity which is led by their form tutors. This provides students with suggestions and support to maintain good mental health. The theme for mental health week this year is ‘Movement.’ Students are being encouraged to find as many opportunities as possible to be active. Movement can range from a walk in the local community, to putting on your
favourite song for a dance around the house. Even a 10-minute burst of movement has proven positive effects on a child’s mental alertness, energy levels, reducing stress, and improving sleep patterns.

Alongside enthusiastic participation in their PE lessons, we will also be introducing sports coaching led by external providers to enthuse and excite our community to be active over the forthcoming weeks.

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